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Lemurian Posi Vac Coil™ – Lost Cubit Measurement

The LPVC is a wonderful addition to any household first-aid kit and a real asset in a healing room. Created with the same principles as the Lemurian Rings utilizing neter lengths, the coil is just another way to define a circle. If you examine the LPVC you can see that it is just a closed loop. The coils differ from the rings in that there is a one-way energy flow that is selectively directed along the axis of the coil. Coils function like energetic vacuum cleaners - they suck darkness, resistance and pain through the south end, transmute it, and release it as light out of the north end. The negative energy, or darkness, is converted to positive energy, or light at the "Bloch Wall". The Bloch Wall is the point where the bead is attached to the coil.

How to Use the LPVC:

Notes for the end of the session - noted at the beginning Don't forget to Turn it around. After completing your session as described below, make sure you turn the Coil around and place the north end on the point of focus for a minute or two. This is done because the vacuum effect leaves an opening in the energy field. Holding the north end of the coil over that area acts to seal or bandage it energetically insuring that darkness won't reattach to the area. When working with this tool the bead should be away from the body so make sure that "the ball is to the wall" whenever you use a coil. Holding the Coil about an inch away from the problematic area, and employing a slight circular or in-and-out motion allows the vacuum effect to "couple" onto the pain. This will be felt or sensed by either the client or the practitioner, or both individuals. After the coupling occurs the Coil may start to vibrate or you will notice that the metal gets hot or cold. Sometimes the person you are working on may say that the discomfort has decreased.